Puding ni da buat last AidilAdha baru terhegeh2 nk upload. bukan aper.. for my own reference ;)
Resipi asal boley dpt kat sini. Basic Pudding Credit to my SIL sbb share this recipe to me. I just put some effort to make it nice and yummy to eat. Basic still the same ya ;)
Bhn2 Puding - sepeket agar (37.5g)
- 6 biji telur
- 1/2 tin susu cair
- 2 sb tepung kastard
- 2 senduk gula
- 7 gelas air (sy letak 8 gelas)
Bhn2 utk kuah
-11/2 tin susu cair
-11/2 gelas air
-1 senduk gula
- 1sb tepung kastard
**boley ditambah buah koktail - ikut citarasa korang
Cara-cara (puding)
A. Agar2 masak dgn 7 gelas air bersama gula . kemudian di tapis. kalo malas, x perlu tapis..hehe
B. Telur + susu + tepung kastard di pukul hingga berbuih
1.Kemudian A + B dipanaskan sehingga 2 minit dgn api perlahan.
2.Now kne letak sikit2 dalm few bekas utk buat bunga, daun dan dahan rose tersebut
** acuan puding x dpt share kat sini coz luper nk amik pic..mebi next time
- Ambil sesenduk puding -campurkan dgr kaler pink (utk bunga)
- 1/4 senduk - kaler hijau (utk daun)
- 1 sk - kaler brown. Kalo xder cmpurkan kaler pink dan hijau wat ala2 kaler dahan :)
3. Tunggu 5-10 minit smpai bunga, daun dan dahan tadi kering. Selebihnye tuang kaler original (atau cmpur sedikit kaler kuning telur) smpai penuh acuan puding tersebut.
4. Tunggu sejuk, letak dalam frige kejab dan siap dihidang
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Ketam Masak Lemak Cili Padi
Lamer btol rasernye diri ini x berblog~
since confirm preggy for my 1st child, perasaan utk ke dapur during 1st trimester sgt lah kurang..
Mmg sangat2 x rajin nk masak. But my Morning Sickness just mild, i'm not vomiting daily and havent take any MC until now..Alhamdulillah... ;) Now dah 5 months 2 weeks.. Rase cam badan ni ringan sikit.. da leh wat kerja2 rumah and cook for my hubby. ;)
Last week pegi kedai utk bli brg basah tertgk cik 'ketam'..terliur sgt nk mkn, tp xtau masak :P. so i call my moms and tanyer bhn2nyer.. cam simple ajer.. Leh try je lah, lgpon hubby jenis yg x byk songeh..boley mkn ape sajer ;)
Ni lah jadinye after da siap masak.. tada........

senang kan?? slamat mencoba ;)
since confirm preggy for my 1st child, perasaan utk ke dapur during 1st trimester sgt lah kurang..
Mmg sangat2 x rajin nk masak. But my Morning Sickness just mild, i'm not vomiting daily and havent take any MC until now..Alhamdulillah... ;) Now dah 5 months 2 weeks.. Rase cam badan ni ringan sikit.. da leh wat kerja2 rumah and cook for my hubby. ;)
Last week pegi kedai utk bli brg basah tertgk cik 'ketam'..terliur sgt nk mkn, tp xtau masak :P. so i call my moms and tanyer bhn2nyer.. cam simple ajer.. Leh try je lah, lgpon hubby jenis yg x byk songeh..boley mkn ape sajer ;)
Ni lah jadinye after da siap masak.. tada........

1. 2 ekor ketam
2. Santan dari 1/2 biji kelapa - air agak2 2 cawan (ikut besar periuk)
3. Serai - dititik
4. kunyit hidup/debu - 1 sk (kalo kurang, boley tmbah)
5. Cili kecik - 6-7 bijik -depend kepedasan cili tersebut
6. Bawang yg diblender - 1 sb (optional)
1. 2 ekor ketam
2. Santan dari 1/2 biji kelapa - air agak2 2 cawan (ikut besar periuk)
3. Serai - dititik
4. kunyit hidup/debu - 1 sk (kalo kurang, boley tmbah)
5. Cili kecik - 6-7 bijik -depend kepedasan cili tersebut
6. Bawang yg diblender - 1 sb (optional)
1. Bersihkan dan potong 2 ketam. sy potong penyepit tuh sbb semak dalam periuk
2. Masukkan santan dalam periuk.
3. Blender cili bersama kunyit (kalo kunyit hidupla)
4. campur bhn no. 3 td dalam periuk bersama serai dan bawang (optional)
5. Sambil2 kacau2 supaya santan x naik minyak..smpai masak..boley slowkan api.. dan SIAP
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Puding Roti
Salam Frens,
lagik satu resepi puding yg sy lupe nk upload - Puding Roti Simple.
Sangat la senang nk wat, men campak2 ajer trus jadik. Ni coz hubby tingin nk makan puding roti 1st week puase. So, sy buatlah utk yg tersyg. Mmg x susah dan boley try utk beginner ;)
- 8 keping roti gardinea *tmbah roti utk loyang lebih besar
- 8 sudu besar gula - leh adjust kalo nk kurang manis
- 2 bijik telur
- 1/2 tin susu cair/susu segar *kalo roti byk kne letak lebih susu
- sesudu susu pekat
- kismis (ikut suka)
- 2 sudu butter
1. Potong roti susun dalam loyang.
2. Buat 1 lapisan roti kemudian taburkan kismis. Lepas tuh buat lapisan lain yg sama smpai 3/4or penuh loyang
3. Campurkan telur+susu pekat+gula blender sekejab utk campurkan adunan.
4. Tuang ke dalam loyang yg ader roti tadi
4. Potong butter kecik2 cam dalam pic bawah letak atas adunan.
5. Biarkan 5-7 minit bagi susu meresap ke dalam roti
6. Bakar 20 minit pd suhu 180.
lagik satu resepi puding yg sy lupe nk upload - Puding Roti Simple.
Sangat la senang nk wat, men campak2 ajer trus jadik. Ni coz hubby tingin nk makan puding roti 1st week puase. So, sy buatlah utk yg tersyg. Mmg x susah dan boley try utk beginner ;)
- 8 keping roti gardinea *tmbah roti utk loyang lebih besar
- 8 sudu besar gula - leh adjust kalo nk kurang manis
- 2 bijik telur
- 1/2 tin susu cair/susu segar *kalo roti byk kne letak lebih susu
- sesudu susu pekat
- kismis (ikut suka)
- 2 sudu butter
1. Potong roti susun dalam loyang.
2. Buat 1 lapisan roti kemudian taburkan kismis. Lepas tuh buat lapisan lain yg sama smpai 3/4or penuh loyang
3. Campurkan telur+susu pekat+gula blender sekejab utk campurkan adunan.
4. Tuang ke dalam loyang yg ader roti tadi
4. Potong butter kecik2 cam dalam pic bawah letak atas adunan.
5. Biarkan 5-7 minit bagi susu meresap ke dalam roti
6. Bakar 20 minit pd suhu 180.
Puding Seri Kaya Bonda
Salam frens,
last few weeks me n my mom ader buat puding seri kaya but blum ader maser nk upload. Kat Terenggganu mmg femes sikit..tp x pernah jumper kuih ni around KL/Selangor. Die cam same ngan resepi puding Caramel yang korang penah wat, tp kte tmbahkan santan dan gula melaka.
- telor 10 bijik
- 1 sudu kecil garam
- 2 cawan santan
- 1 karat gula melaka (ikut suka manis)
- 3 sudu besar gula
1. Pecahkan telur kedalam bekas kemudian tapis
2. Panaskan gula melaka bersama 1/2 cawan air dan tmbahkan gula. Ketepikan
3. Satukan telur bersama santan dan gula melaka tadi bersama garam. Manis ikut citarasa masing2. nk kurangkan atau lebihkan. Kalau nk lagik pekat, boleh tmbahkan lagi santan.
4. Kukus selama 45 minit. Jangan lupa tutup penutup pengukus untuk elakkan air dari memasuki adunan. Nanti x cantik sebb ader lubang2.
*Selamat mencoba~
last few weeks me n my mom ader buat puding seri kaya but blum ader maser nk upload. Kat Terenggganu mmg femes sikit..tp x pernah jumper kuih ni around KL/Selangor. Die cam same ngan resepi puding Caramel yang korang penah wat, tp kte tmbahkan santan dan gula melaka.
- telor 10 bijik
- 1 sudu kecil garam
- 2 cawan santan
- 1 karat gula melaka (ikut suka manis)
- 3 sudu besar gula
1. Pecahkan telur kedalam bekas kemudian tapis
2. Panaskan gula melaka bersama 1/2 cawan air dan tmbahkan gula. Ketepikan
3. Satukan telur bersama santan dan gula melaka tadi bersama garam. Manis ikut citarasa masing2. nk kurangkan atau lebihkan. Kalau nk lagik pekat, boleh tmbahkan lagi santan.
4. Kukus selama 45 minit. Jangan lupa tutup penutup pengukus untuk elakkan air dari memasuki adunan. Nanti x cantik sebb ader lubang2.
*Selamat mencoba~
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Sardin Bun
Roti sardin ni actually menggunakan basic dough yg saya pernah buat. lepas tuh tmbahkan inti sardin kat dalam. so easy...
Inti sardin
-1 tin kecil sardin
-1/2 inci halia (dihiris nipis)
-1/4 biji lemon (utk hilangkan hanyir sardin)
-2 sudu sos tomato
-1/2 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu
-2 ulas bawang putih dipotong dadu . -2-3 sudu minyak masak (utk menumis)
Basic dough (sy buat 1/2 dari basic dough)
-500g tepung gandum@tepung roti
-140g gula
-30g susu tepung - abaikan jika menggunakan susu segar
-11g yis mauripan@sebungkus
-1sk garam
-1sk bread improver - optional
-1sk bread softener - optional
-80g butter@marjerin
-250ml air@susu segar
-1 biji telur - kacau sedikit.
Inti sardin
1. Asingkan kuah dan ikan sardin. Lenyek2 kan sardin bersama perahan lemon. Ketepikan.
2. Panaskan 2 sudu minyak kedalam kuali. Masukkan bawang putih, bawang merah yg dipotong dadu tadi bersama halia.
3. Masukkan kuah dari tin sardin tadi. campurkan dgn 2 sudu sos tomato tadi. Tambah garam secukup rasa bg yg nk masin sikit.
4. Masukkan ikan sardin yg telah dilenyek tadi. Biarkan si atas api smpai agak2 kering (utk thn lama)
1. Masukkan semua bahan2 dough kecuali marjerin dan uli sehingga menjadi doh yang lembut. tmbahkan marjerin. Biarkan doh naik kembang lebih kurang 1.30jam atau lebih kemudian uli semula. Tumbuk2an untuk mengeluarkan angin.
2. Bahagikan bulat2 kecil (dalam 40gm) kemudian masukkan inti sardin. lagik byk letak lagik sedap ;). Kemudian susun ke dalam loyang yang telah digris dgn marjerin dan tepung. Biarkan naik sekali ganda lagi. Sy letak dalam muffin cup utk kelainan. ;)
3. Sebelum bakar spray permukaan roti dgn air biasa dan bakar suhu 180 selama 15-20min atau sehingga masak.
Sejurus keluar dari oven, sapukan permukaan roti dengan butter@marjerin dan sejukkan di atas redai.
Inti sardin
-1 tin kecil sardin
-1/2 inci halia (dihiris nipis)
-1/4 biji lemon (utk hilangkan hanyir sardin)
-2 sudu sos tomato
-1/2 biji bawang besar dipotong dadu
-2 ulas bawang putih dipotong dadu . -2-3 sudu minyak masak (utk menumis)
Basic dough (sy buat 1/2 dari basic dough)
-500g tepung gandum@tepung roti
-140g gula
-30g susu tepung - abaikan jika menggunakan susu segar
-11g yis mauripan@sebungkus
-1sk garam
-1sk bread improver - optional
-1sk bread softener - optional
-80g butter@marjerin
-250ml air@susu segar
-1 biji telur - kacau sedikit.
Inti sardin
1. Asingkan kuah dan ikan sardin. Lenyek2 kan sardin bersama perahan lemon. Ketepikan.
2. Panaskan 2 sudu minyak kedalam kuali. Masukkan bawang putih, bawang merah yg dipotong dadu tadi bersama halia.
3. Masukkan kuah dari tin sardin tadi. campurkan dgn 2 sudu sos tomato tadi. Tambah garam secukup rasa bg yg nk masin sikit.
4. Masukkan ikan sardin yg telah dilenyek tadi. Biarkan si atas api smpai agak2 kering (utk thn lama)
1. Masukkan semua bahan2 dough kecuali marjerin dan uli sehingga menjadi doh yang lembut. tmbahkan marjerin. Biarkan doh naik kembang lebih kurang 1.30jam atau lebih kemudian uli semula. Tumbuk2an untuk mengeluarkan angin.
2. Bahagikan bulat2 kecil (dalam 40gm) kemudian masukkan inti sardin. lagik byk letak lagik sedap ;). Kemudian susun ke dalam loyang yang telah digris dgn marjerin dan tepung. Biarkan naik sekali ganda lagi. Sy letak dalam muffin cup utk kelainan. ;)
3. Sebelum bakar spray permukaan roti dgn air biasa dan bakar suhu 180 selama 15-20min atau sehingga masak.
Sejurus keluar dari oven, sapukan permukaan roti dengan butter@marjerin dan sejukkan di atas redai.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Choc Bun with Apricot
Hurm roti lagi? sbb masih blum satisfied ngan karya sendirik. Cooking is your satisfaction? tepuk dada tanye selera. Kali ni saya teringin yg buat roti yang bercoklat plak.. tgk page Hana, trus generate idea utk uli2 tepung sambil menonton tibi.
Ni resepi Basic dough. leh campur apa2 ikut citarasa korang
Bahan-Bahan *sy buat half adunan 38g per biji, dpt total 16 biji
500g tepung gandum@tepung roti
100g gula - sy letak 140g
30g susu tepung - abaikan jika menggunakan susu segar
11g yis mauripan@sebungkus
1sk garam
1sk bread improver - optional
1sk bread softener - optional
80g butter@marjerin
250ml air@susu segar
1 biji telur - kacau sedikit
Bahan Tambahan (mengikut citarasa)
setengah cawan kismis/apricot - cincang
1sb serbuk koko
1/2sk coklat emulco - optional
Cara-cara (Manual-coz Bread Maker xder)
1.Satukan semua bahan2 di atas kecuali mentega, gaul hingga menjadi doh, tambah mentega dan terus menguli hingga lembut dan anjal, jika melekat tabur sedikit tepung. Biarkan doh naik 1.5jam.
2.Bulat2kan doh. Sy timbang lebey kurang 38-40g sebijik. Dapat dalam 16 bijik aka 1 loyang. Letak dalam bekas dan tutup dengan towel lembab, biar 1 jam hingga naik sekali ganda.
3.Sebelum bakar spray permukaan roti dgn air biasa dan bakar suhu 180 selama 15-20min atau sehingga masak.
*Sy Double check utk 15 minit pertama dulu utk make sure roti masak atasnya. Kemudian, pasang api bawah jer
4.Sejurus keluar dari oven, sapukan permukaan roti dengan butter@marjerin dan sejukkan di atas reda.
Ni resepi Basic dough. leh campur apa2 ikut citarasa korang
Bahan-Bahan *sy buat half adunan 38g per biji, dpt total 16 biji
500g tepung gandum@tepung roti
100g gula - sy letak 140g
30g susu tepung - abaikan jika menggunakan susu segar
11g yis mauripan@sebungkus
1sk garam
1sk bread improver - optional
1sk bread softener - optional
80g butter@marjerin
250ml air@susu segar
1 biji telur - kacau sedikit
Bahan Tambahan (mengikut citarasa)
setengah cawan kismis/apricot - cincang
1sb serbuk koko
1/2sk coklat emulco - optional
Cara-cara (Manual-coz Bread Maker xder)
1.Satukan semua bahan2 di atas kecuali mentega, gaul hingga menjadi doh, tambah mentega dan terus menguli hingga lembut dan anjal, jika melekat tabur sedikit tepung. Biarkan doh naik 1.5jam.
2.Bulat2kan doh. Sy timbang lebey kurang 38-40g sebijik. Dapat dalam 16 bijik aka 1 loyang. Letak dalam bekas dan tutup dengan towel lembab, biar 1 jam hingga naik sekali ganda.
3.Sebelum bakar spray permukaan roti dgn air biasa dan bakar suhu 180 selama 15-20min atau sehingga masak.
*Sy Double check utk 15 minit pertama dulu utk make sure roti masak atasnya. Kemudian, pasang api bawah jer
4.Sejurus keluar dari oven, sapukan permukaan roti dengan butter@marjerin dan sejukkan di atas reda.
Monday, 2 July 2012
RainBow PudDiNg
Rase da lamer x berblog.. Hubby just done with his knee operation. left knee arthroscopy @t KPJ shah alam. 2 days warded and now hibernate mode at home..
Recently pon bz..balik kampung laa.. anto mak pi umrah..mak balik, mentua plak gi..so kurang masa berlibur di laman sesawang~ hihi.
Arini sy masak nasi minyak,gulai ayam and rainbow pudding for our fren yg dtg visit hubby dirumah. Nasi minyak da abes mkn x sempat capture pic dulu. Dan sy nk share resepi rainbow pudding yg diceduk from ipar ;)
Bhn2 Puding (anggaran 2 loyang) - sy buat half utk 6 org mkn jer
- sepeket agar (37.5g)
- 6 biji telur
- 1/2 tin susu cair
- 2 sb tepung kastard
- 2 senduk gula
- 7 gelas air (sy letak 8 gelas)
Bhn2 utk kuah
-11/2 tin susu cair
-11/2 gelas air
-1 senduk gula
- 1sb tepung kastard
**boley ditambah buah koktail - ikut citarasa korang
Cara-cara (puding)
A. Agar2 masak dgn 7 gelas air bersama gula . kemudian di tapis. kalo malas, x perlu tapis..hehe
B. Telur + susu + tepung kastard di pukul hingga berbuih
1.Kemudian A + B dipanaskan sehingga 2 minit dgn api perlahan.
2.Bahagikan kepada 3 bhgn utk letak warna2 yg disukai semasa adunan panas.Kacau utk elak berketul-ketul
3.Sy guna gelas utk kelainan kali ni. Boley jugak gunakan loyang. lapiskan setiap warna dan tunggu 5 minit utk lapis seterusnya. Ini utk elakkan warna bercampur dalam gelas
Recently pon bz..balik kampung laa.. anto mak pi umrah..mak balik, mentua plak gi..so kurang masa berlibur di laman sesawang~ hihi.
Arini sy masak nasi minyak,gulai ayam and rainbow pudding for our fren yg dtg visit hubby dirumah. Nasi minyak da abes mkn x sempat capture pic dulu. Dan sy nk share resepi rainbow pudding yg diceduk from ipar ;)
Bhn2 Puding (anggaran 2 loyang) - sy buat half utk 6 org mkn jer
- sepeket agar (37.5g)
- 6 biji telur
- 1/2 tin susu cair
- 2 sb tepung kastard
- 2 senduk gula
- 7 gelas air (sy letak 8 gelas)
Bhn2 utk kuah
-11/2 tin susu cair
-11/2 gelas air
-1 senduk gula
- 1sb tepung kastard
**boley ditambah buah koktail - ikut citarasa korang
Cara-cara (puding)
A. Agar2 masak dgn 7 gelas air bersama gula . kemudian di tapis. kalo malas, x perlu tapis..hehe
B. Telur + susu + tepung kastard di pukul hingga berbuih
1.Kemudian A + B dipanaskan sehingga 2 minit dgn api perlahan.
2.Bahagikan kepada 3 bhgn utk letak warna2 yg disukai semasa adunan panas.Kacau utk elak berketul-ketul
3.Sy guna gelas utk kelainan kali ni. Boley jugak gunakan loyang. lapiskan setiap warna dan tunggu 5 minit utk lapis seterusnya. Ini utk elakkan warna bercampur dalam gelas
Cara-cara (kuah)
-Cmpurkan semua bahan2 - dimasak dengan api yg perlahan 10 minit
-Cmpurkan semua bahan2 - dimasak dengan api yg perlahan 10 minit
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Sweet Raisin Bun
Salam All,
Kali ni my kitchen mau mengganas lagik.. hahaha.. Geram tgk resepi kat HanaMemories. Mmg nk try sangat even xder Bread Maker. So, i uli lah pakai bese yg hmpir pecah.. hahaha..
So, lets rolled out. I just try half from the recipe coz takot x jadik, rugi plak~
Mintak share ye cik Hana.. hehehe
1 biji telur *
2 sb susu tepung *
300ml air sejuk* (telur+ susu tpg +air sejuk= 300ml)
50g gula - lebih lagi best, me letak 40gm utk half adunan
1 1/2 sk garam
300g tepung roti
200g tpg gandum
2sk yis @ 6g
2sb marjerin@butter
1sk bread softener dan bread improver - Me just letak Bread Improver ajer
(Resepi asal pakai Bread Maker, mine uli pakai tangan smbil tgk citer seindah sakura @ tv3)
1. Mix all dry ingredient
2. Masukkan wet ingredient dan uli sehingga menjadik doh.
3. Biar doh kembang 11/2 jam then uli semula. Kungfu2 utk buang angin dalam doh.
4. Lepas tuh, add on raisin kalo suke.
5. Bahagikan bulat2 kecil.. i just buat dalam 30gm sebijik (utk tmpak comey la kunun) and susun dalam loyang yg digris ngan tepung dan marjerin. Biar lagik 40 minit 1jan smbil panaskan oven (180C)
6. Sblm bakar, spray permukaan roti dgn air dan tabur gula kalo suka. I just renjis2 air ngan tangan coz x de spray. Bakar pd suhu 180C(20-25 minit atau sehingga masak.
7. Da masak? Kuarkan n gris roti ngan marjein/butter untk tmpak lagik yummy!
And after:
Lepas masak hubby blasah half loyang..hahaha.. sukenye tgk org mkn.. Mmg sedap mkn panas2. Mebi next time lah wat utk kawan2 di opis.
So guys, happy trying~
Kali ni my kitchen mau mengganas lagik.. hahaha.. Geram tgk resepi kat HanaMemories. Mmg nk try sangat even xder Bread Maker. So, i uli lah pakai bese yg hmpir pecah.. hahaha..
So, lets rolled out. I just try half from the recipe coz takot x jadik, rugi plak~
Mintak share ye cik Hana.. hehehe
1 biji telur *
2 sb susu tepung *
300ml air sejuk* (telur+ susu tpg +air sejuk= 300ml)
50g gula - lebih lagi best, me letak 40gm utk half adunan
1 1/2 sk garam
300g tepung roti
200g tpg gandum
2sk yis @ 6g
2sb marjerin@butter
1sk bread softener dan bread improver - Me just letak Bread Improver ajer
(Resepi asal pakai Bread Maker, mine uli pakai tangan smbil tgk citer seindah sakura @ tv3)
1. Mix all dry ingredient
2. Masukkan wet ingredient dan uli sehingga menjadik doh.
3. Biar doh kembang 11/2 jam then uli semula. Kungfu2 utk buang angin dalam doh.
4. Lepas tuh, add on raisin kalo suke.
5. Bahagikan bulat2 kecil.. i just buat dalam 30gm sebijik (utk tmpak comey la kunun) and susun dalam loyang yg digris ngan tepung dan marjerin. Biar lagik 40 minit 1jan smbil panaskan oven (180C)
6. Sblm bakar, spray permukaan roti dgn air dan tabur gula kalo suka. I just renjis2 air ngan tangan coz x de spray. Bakar pd suhu 180C(20-25 minit atau sehingga masak.
7. Da masak? Kuarkan n gris roti ngan marjein/butter untk tmpak lagik yummy!
And after:
Lepas masak hubby blasah half loyang..hahaha.. sukenye tgk org mkn.. Mmg sedap mkn panas2. Mebi next time lah wat utk kawan2 di opis.
So guys, happy trying~
Orange Muffin
Time to bake again... I made Orang Muffin for DiGi SSF Badminton Tournament, request by Cik Nan.
Mmg dalam process to gain experience, so i have to learn and keep trying to improve the skill~.
I oso bake moist choc cake and muffin after this orange muffin but i dont capture the pic coz i start baking 00:00am and finish late. Mate da ngantok n kesian hubby temankan. Maybe next time i share ~
290gm plain flour ~ i use 300gm
2 tsp baking powder --> if use self-raising flour, no need to use baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
230g sugar -- i use 210 gm-xmo manis sgt
3(nos) eggs --Grade B
120 ml milk - i use 2 tblspoon of powdered milk and replace the liquid with the orange juice
200 ml melted butter -- i use corn oil to replace it
1 tsp vanilla
Grated zest of 1 orange
Juice of 1 Orange
2 tblspoon of sunquick - kasik rase orange.
1 teaspoon of mayonise - add on to get the moist cake
choc chip/raisin - on your own
1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Mix all dry ingredient (flour,sugar,baking soda, baking powder). Separated
3. Mix all wet ingredient together - egg, orange juice, mayonise, vanila- . Pour into dry ingredient.
4. Mix well untill its fully combine. Do not overmixed as it will creat glutens and makes the cake dense.
5. Add choc chip/ raisin on your own
senang kan?
and here's the result
so, slamat mencoba~
Mmg dalam process to gain experience, so i have to learn and keep trying to improve the skill~.
I oso bake moist choc cake and muffin after this orange muffin but i dont capture the pic coz i start baking 00:00am and finish late. Mate da ngantok n kesian hubby temankan. Maybe next time i share ~
290gm plain flour ~ i use 300gm
2 tsp baking powder --> if use self-raising flour, no need to use baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
230g sugar -- i use 210 gm-xmo manis sgt
3(nos) eggs --Grade B
120 ml milk - i use 2 tblspoon of powdered milk and replace the liquid with the orange juice
200 ml melted butter -- i use corn oil to replace it
1 tsp vanilla
Grated zest of 1 orange
Juice of 1 Orange
2 tblspoon of sunquick - kasik rase orange.
1 teaspoon of mayonise - add on to get the moist cake
choc chip/raisin - on your own
1. Preheat oven to 180C.
2. Mix all dry ingredient (flour,sugar,baking soda, baking powder). Separated
3. Mix all wet ingredient together - egg, orange juice, mayonise, vanila- . Pour into dry ingredient.
4. Mix well untill its fully combine. Do not overmixed as it will creat glutens and makes the cake dense.
5. Add choc chip/ raisin on your own
senang kan?
and here's the result
so, slamat mencoba~
Friday, 18 May 2012
Tip and Tricks for Cup Cakes
Hello Guys,
I do love reading this tip and tricks how to bake nice cupcake. Just found the website today and wanna keep it for further references:
Source: CupCake Blog
And this this is sample step how she did it Choc CupCake Tips
Pic from the web: cupcakeBlog
Baking is not easy, generally speaking. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that the end result of any baking project is unpredictable. The key is to:
– learn how to see problems coming and adjust in advance
– learn how to turn apparent failures into delicious and attractive treats
– learn what ingredients can and can’t be swapped
– take the time to pre-read the recipe and follow it closely, while adjusting for your circumstances
– take the time to practice and experiment before baking for a special event!
With practice, patience, and attention to some basic rules, there is a good chance your baking project will be a success. Best of luck in the kitchen and I hope this information is helpful!
» Preparation is Key
I can’t stress enough how necessary it is to pre-measure all ingredients and allow crucial items like butter and eggs to fully come to room temperature. The bottom line is baking must be pre-meditated.
» Be Careful What You Swap
It is helpful to understand where you have flexibility with your ingredients and how to effectively swap them out. I personally recommend Regan Daley’s book In the Sweet Kitchenfor its very helpful ingredient substitution section. Otherwise get to know your ingredients by researching them on the web or in cookbooks.
» Just Enough but Not Too Much
You have measured out all your ingredients and double checked the recipe. You are ready to start. While recipes attempt to describe the steps in as much required detail as possible, successful mixing of ingredients often comes about with experience. Knowing just how much mixing is enough is key. For example, over mixing once flour has been added can build up glutens and result in a tough end product. Under mixing, say for example, the butter and sugar, can result in separation of ingredients and possible sinking. Recommendations include 1) scraping down your bowl often to ensure that all ingredients are combined, 2) beating well during the steps before the flour is added, and 3) mixing only enough to combine ingredients once flour has been added.
» Its All About the Oven
No matter how well you measured, mixed, and otherwise painstakingly prepared your batter, it can all go to waste if you don’t follow some very important rules of baking
Check your oven temperature!
Ovens, even new ones, can be far off. I can’t stress how important it is to use an oven thermometerto ensure that your oven is at 350 degrees.
Know your oven!
In addition to ovens being off temperature-wise, they can also have hot and cold spots. You might come to learn of those, likely if you pile a lot of cupcakes in your oven. In my oven for example, the lower, left-hand corner always gives me trouble. If you have hot/cold spots, minimize how many cupcakes you bake at a time. I recommend a maximum of 24. If you need to bake more, use convection and drop the temperature in the recipe by 25 degrees. In addition, you can move the baking pans around to adjust, but be careful when doing so (see recommendations below).
Do not disturb!
Absolutely do not disturb those precious cupcakes for at least 15 minutes of baking (or 8 in the case of minis). It is important to let them develop some structural integrity. After 15 minutes you might want to shift the position of the pans in order to move cupcakes in and out of hot spots. Otherwise let them do their thing. Start testing cupcakes 2 minutes before the end of the recommended bake time, usually with a light tough or shimmy of the pan. Once the cupcakes give a slight resistance to the touch, you can start testing them with a toothpick or other pointy object. Now this is important… Bake cupcakes until the tester comes out clean. And that means NO CRUMBS. If you take them out prematurely, they are very like to fall or at least sink slightly. Lastly, don’t just check one… Due to oven hot/cold spots, you might have some done and some not. Do what you can to make sure they all finish baking without drying any out.
» My Cupcakes Are Sinking!
See “Its All About the Oven” above. There is a good chance that you didn’t allow the cupcakes to bake fully. If the sinking is accompanied by pools of melted butter, it is likely the ingredients were not mixed adequately.
» My Cupcakes Are Overflowing!
See “Its All About the Oven” above. There is a good chance that your oven temperature is too low or you have too many cupcakes in the oven at once. If the cupcakes don’t get adequate heat during the early phase of the baking process, they will overflow. I guarantee it…
I do love reading this tip and tricks how to bake nice cupcake. Just found the website today and wanna keep it for further references:
Source: CupCake Blog
And this this is sample step how she did it Choc CupCake Tips
Pic from the web: cupcakeBlog
Baking is not easy, generally speaking. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that the end result of any baking project is unpredictable. The key is to:
– learn how to see problems coming and adjust in advance
– learn how to turn apparent failures into delicious and attractive treats
– learn what ingredients can and can’t be swapped
– take the time to pre-read the recipe and follow it closely, while adjusting for your circumstances
– take the time to practice and experiment before baking for a special event!
With practice, patience, and attention to some basic rules, there is a good chance your baking project will be a success. Best of luck in the kitchen and I hope this information is helpful!
» Preparation is Key
I can’t stress enough how necessary it is to pre-measure all ingredients and allow crucial items like butter and eggs to fully come to room temperature. The bottom line is baking must be pre-meditated.
» Be Careful What You Swap
It is helpful to understand where you have flexibility with your ingredients and how to effectively swap them out. I personally recommend Regan Daley’s book In the Sweet Kitchenfor its very helpful ingredient substitution section. Otherwise get to know your ingredients by researching them on the web or in cookbooks.
» Just Enough but Not Too Much
You have measured out all your ingredients and double checked the recipe. You are ready to start. While recipes attempt to describe the steps in as much required detail as possible, successful mixing of ingredients often comes about with experience. Knowing just how much mixing is enough is key. For example, over mixing once flour has been added can build up glutens and result in a tough end product. Under mixing, say for example, the butter and sugar, can result in separation of ingredients and possible sinking. Recommendations include 1) scraping down your bowl often to ensure that all ingredients are combined, 2) beating well during the steps before the flour is added, and 3) mixing only enough to combine ingredients once flour has been added.
» Its All About the Oven
No matter how well you measured, mixed, and otherwise painstakingly prepared your batter, it can all go to waste if you don’t follow some very important rules of baking
Check your oven temperature!
Ovens, even new ones, can be far off. I can’t stress how important it is to use an oven thermometerto ensure that your oven is at 350 degrees.
Know your oven!
In addition to ovens being off temperature-wise, they can also have hot and cold spots. You might come to learn of those, likely if you pile a lot of cupcakes in your oven. In my oven for example, the lower, left-hand corner always gives me trouble. If you have hot/cold spots, minimize how many cupcakes you bake at a time. I recommend a maximum of 24. If you need to bake more, use convection and drop the temperature in the recipe by 25 degrees. In addition, you can move the baking pans around to adjust, but be careful when doing so (see recommendations below).
Do not disturb!
Absolutely do not disturb those precious cupcakes for at least 15 minutes of baking (or 8 in the case of minis). It is important to let them develop some structural integrity. After 15 minutes you might want to shift the position of the pans in order to move cupcakes in and out of hot spots. Otherwise let them do their thing. Start testing cupcakes 2 minutes before the end of the recommended bake time, usually with a light tough or shimmy of the pan. Once the cupcakes give a slight resistance to the touch, you can start testing them with a toothpick or other pointy object. Now this is important… Bake cupcakes until the tester comes out clean. And that means NO CRUMBS. If you take them out prematurely, they are very like to fall or at least sink slightly. Lastly, don’t just check one… Due to oven hot/cold spots, you might have some done and some not. Do what you can to make sure they all finish baking without drying any out.
» My Cupcakes Are Sinking!
See “Its All About the Oven” above. There is a good chance that you didn’t allow the cupcakes to bake fully. If the sinking is accompanied by pools of melted butter, it is likely the ingredients were not mixed adequately.
» My Cupcakes Are Overflowing!
See “Its All About the Oven” above. There is a good chance that your oven temperature is too low or you have too many cupcakes in the oven at once. If the cupcakes don’t get adequate heat during the early phase of the baking process, they will overflow. I guarantee it…
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Fresh Berry Muffin vs Banana Choc Muffin
Hi all,
this is invention from original muffin recipe i learn from Bagus Bakery, Shah Alam. They demo us the muffin's steps (which very simple - tutop mate pon boley buat kunun..:P) using bluberry filling. But for me, its just an ordinary muffin and we can try sumting better. Really? for me its up to ur creativity and they just teach u the basic. The rest is up to u. if mau belajar lebey, boley byr lebih.. hahah.
I copy paste the idea from here OriginalNakedChef-Blueberry Muffin.
290gm plain flour
2 tsp baking powder --> if use self-raising flour, no need to use baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
230g sugar -- i use brown sugar
3(nos) eggs --Grade B
120 ml milk
200 ml melted butter -- i use corn oil to replace it
1 tsp vanilla
100gm bluebery
100 gm banana -- agak2 1/2 cawan after lecek
1.Separate dry and wet ingredients.
2. Flour + sugar + baking soda + baking powder - sift and separate it
3. Eggs + milk + oil + vanilla mix together
4. Then can mix step 2 and step 3. Devide to 2 portion
5. 1st portion add in fresh blueberry/mix of berries. Mix then put it muffin cup
6. 2nd portion add in the banana. Mix then out in muffin cup. Deco with choc's chip. senang kan.. hehe..
here's the result:
Banana Choc Chip Muffin fresh from oven..
Fresh Berry Muffins - only this left. I forget to take the pic earlier. :(
But i believe it will be super duper easy if we buy ready muffins mix, which u guys only add on oil and eggs.
The texture a bit moist and the aroma taste great. It based on other reviews lah.. i'm gonna try it!
okay guys, happy trying~
this is invention from original muffin recipe i learn from Bagus Bakery, Shah Alam. They demo us the muffin's steps (which very simple - tutop mate pon boley buat kunun..:P) using bluberry filling. But for me, its just an ordinary muffin and we can try sumting better. Really? for me its up to ur creativity and they just teach u the basic. The rest is up to u. if mau belajar lebey, boley byr lebih.. hahah.
I copy paste the idea from here OriginalNakedChef-Blueberry Muffin.
290gm plain flour
2 tsp baking powder --> if use self-raising flour, no need to use baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
230g sugar -- i use brown sugar
3(nos) eggs --Grade B
120 ml milk
200 ml melted butter -- i use corn oil to replace it
1 tsp vanilla
100gm bluebery
100 gm banana -- agak2 1/2 cawan after lecek
1.Separate dry and wet ingredients.
2. Flour + sugar + baking soda + baking powder - sift and separate it
3. Eggs + milk + oil + vanilla mix together
4. Then can mix step 2 and step 3. Devide to 2 portion
5. 1st portion add in fresh blueberry/mix of berries. Mix then put it muffin cup
6. 2nd portion add in the banana. Mix then out in muffin cup. Deco with choc's chip. senang kan.. hehe..
here's the result:
Banana Choc Chip Muffin fresh from oven..
Fresh Berry Muffins - only this left. I forget to take the pic earlier. :(
But i believe it will be super duper easy if we buy ready muffins mix, which u guys only add on oil and eggs.
The texture a bit moist and the aroma taste great. It based on other reviews lah.. i'm gonna try it!
okay guys, happy trying~
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Today wanna try choc chip cookies after seen few video from youtube plus other blogger's site.. cam menareek.. lets try~
HanaMemories and AllRecipe
114 g butter, softened
50 g white sugar (nk manis, boley letak lebey)
70 g packed brown sugar
1 eggs
5 ml vanilla extract
137 g self raising flour
50 g corn flour
3 g salt - x letak
150 g semisweet chocolate chips
60 g chopped walnuts - x letak
2 tablespoon - peanut butter - optional
1.Preheat oven to 175 degrees C.
2.Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar, peanut butter until smooth.
3.Beat in the eggs then stir in the vanilla.
4.Stir in flour, chocolate chips. Keep in fridge for a while, then drop by large spoonfuls (or use hand only) onto ungreased pans.
5.Bake for about 15-20 minutes (depend on ur oven) in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.
and, here's the result~~
x susah sangat.. boley try k?
HanaMemories and AllRecipe
114 g butter, softened
50 g white sugar (nk manis, boley letak lebey)
70 g packed brown sugar
1 eggs
5 ml vanilla extract
137 g self raising flour
50 g corn flour
3 g salt - x letak
150 g semisweet chocolate chips
60 g chopped walnuts - x letak
2 tablespoon - peanut butter - optional
1.Preheat oven to 175 degrees C.
2.Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar, peanut butter until smooth.
3.Beat in the eggs then stir in the vanilla.
4.Stir in flour, chocolate chips. Keep in fridge for a while, then drop by large spoonfuls (or use hand only) onto ungreased pans.
5.Bake for about 15-20 minutes (depend on ur oven) in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.
and, here's the result~~
x susah sangat.. boley try k?
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Berry Tarts
Hi all,
last March i do join a cooking demo class by Jaya Grocer @t Subang Empire Gallery, Subang Jaya. Its a free class organize by the fresh market (which i start to love it~). I guess its free since they are promoting their market. Else, no money no talk hokey.. heheh..
Ok, let go tru the original recipe and my invention :P. u guys can get the original recipe @t Jaya Grocer-Cherry Tarts for further info- i do paste it below
Pastry Dough
250g plain flour
40g sugar
15g walnut, roasted and blended
110g butter
50g water
10g salt
Almond Cream
2 tbsp unsalted butter --> use 50gm for bigger tarts
2 tbsp sugar --> use 50gm for bigger tarts2 tbsp beaten egg (whole egg)
3 tbsp almond powder --> use 6 tbsp for bigger tarts
1 drop Vanilla essence
Custard Cream
4 egg yolks
50g sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
2/3 cup milk
2 tbsp unsalted butter
Pitted dark cherries -->i'm using fresh frozen berry's
Cooking MethodsPastry Dough
1. Mix all the ingredients together until a dough is formed.
2. Roll out dough to 3mm thickness.
3. Cut dough with a pastry cutter and place into tart mould
**i'm buying ready made pastry coz dunt have roller and the mould. senang kije :P
Almond Cream
1. Cream unsalted butter and sugar with a wooden spatula
2. Add beaten egg, almond powder and vanilla.
3. Mix well and make almond cream paste.
Custard Cream
1. Mix egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch until creamy white.
2. Add lukewarm milk and unsalted butter and cook over high heat until it becomes thick and creamy.
3. Leave aside to cool.
To assemble:
1. Pour almond cream onto pie mould. Using a pastry bag fitted with nozzle, pipe custard cream onto almond cream.
2. Drain pitted dark cherries; place cherries on each tart.
3. Bake in the preheated oven at 160C for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool on a rack.
And... below is the result:
Before put in oven : -
After: -
Happy Trying u ols~
last March i do join a cooking demo class by Jaya Grocer @t Subang Empire Gallery, Subang Jaya. Its a free class organize by the fresh market (which i start to love it~). I guess its free since they are promoting their market. Else, no money no talk hokey.. heheh..
Ok, let go tru the original recipe and my invention :P. u guys can get the original recipe @t Jaya Grocer-Cherry Tarts for further info- i do paste it below
Pastry Dough
250g plain flour
40g sugar
15g walnut, roasted and blended
110g butter
50g water
10g salt
Almond Cream
2 tbsp unsalted butter --> use 50gm for bigger tarts
2 tbsp sugar --> use 50gm for bigger tarts2 tbsp beaten egg (whole egg)
3 tbsp almond powder --> use 6 tbsp for bigger tarts
1 drop Vanilla essence
Custard Cream
4 egg yolks
50g sugar
2 tsp cornstarch
2/3 cup milk
2 tbsp unsalted butter
Pitted dark cherries -->i'm using fresh frozen berry's
Cooking MethodsPastry Dough
1. Mix all the ingredients together until a dough is formed.
2. Roll out dough to 3mm thickness.
3. Cut dough with a pastry cutter and place into tart mould
**i'm buying ready made pastry coz dunt have roller and the mould. senang kije :P
Almond Cream
1. Cream unsalted butter and sugar with a wooden spatula
2. Add beaten egg, almond powder and vanilla.
3. Mix well and make almond cream paste.
Custard Cream
1. Mix egg yolks, sugar and cornstarch until creamy white.
2. Add lukewarm milk and unsalted butter and cook over high heat until it becomes thick and creamy.
3. Leave aside to cool.
To assemble:
1. Pour almond cream onto pie mould. Using a pastry bag fitted with nozzle, pipe custard cream onto almond cream.
2. Drain pitted dark cherries; place cherries on each tart.
3. Bake in the preheated oven at 160C for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool on a rack.
And... below is the result:
Before put in oven : -
After: -
Happy Trying u ols~
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Chicken's Fingers ala AFC
Last few days i do watch AFC #703 @t astro. Actually i love to watch this # during my leisure time but never try any recipe from them. I wonder... every facial expression from them (the chef) really makes the food looks tempting. Pendek cite, 'perasan bagus' kan? hehehe. but for me, its very subjective to judge...
BTW, i watch 1 simple recipe from the tv show -'Good Chef, Bad Chef' . The chicken's fingers a bit different since they put yogurts instead of eggs (yg bese ke buat kat rumah). So, i decide to try ...
here's the Ingredient + ur chicken's strips
1. Mix ur chicken's strips with 3 tblspn of yogurts.
2. Add some peppers and a pinch of salt
3. Then dip into Breadcrump
4. Fry until golden brown and juices run clear. Drain on paper towels.
Easy rite? For me i still like the malay taste (use eggs instead of yogurt).. This yogurts gives u a bit sour and creamy taste to the recipe. Anyways, its a good try!- (since chef dlm afc slalu ckp 'good'.'.great'..etc :P)
BTW, i watch 1 simple recipe from the tv show -'Good Chef, Bad Chef' . The chicken's fingers a bit different since they put yogurts instead of eggs (yg bese ke buat kat rumah). So, i decide to try ...
here's the Ingredient + ur chicken's strips
1. Mix ur chicken's strips with 3 tblspn of yogurts.
2. Add some peppers and a pinch of salt
3. Then dip into Breadcrump
4. Fry until golden brown and juices run clear. Drain on paper towels.
Easy rite? For me i still like the malay taste (use eggs instead of yogurt).. This yogurts gives u a bit sour and creamy taste to the recipe. Anyways, its a good try!- (since chef dlm afc slalu ckp 'good'.'.great'..etc :P)
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Banana Walnut Muffin
Last 3 weeks i do join baking class with Bagus Bakery, Shah Alam. Other new way to enjoy free time instead of shopping. ^^
The class start 10am to 2pm. But i do come late..(since i just call them at 10am to join)..hahaha.. then missed 2 recipe. uff rugi, but just think positivelah. its a learning process and we can explore the rest. i just wanna know the basic of baking muffin from the master..slalu tgk kat tenet aje.
How much it cost?
Depend on what class are u attending (plus the chef kot.. kalo yg femes, mahal sikit..i guess) . Mine about rm100 (if u are the member, only pay rm90). Cik hubby yg sponsor the fees to show his supports. ;)
There we learn 5 muffin's recipe
-Banana Muffin
-Carrot Muffin
-Coffee Walnut
-Red Velvet
-Corn Muffin
since i come late, i only manage to learn coffee walnut, red velvet and corn muffin jer.. heheh.. but the basic is same..campur sume kasik godek2 sikit then letak dalam piping bag-picit masuk dalam cup.
and here's the result - i bake 'Banana Walnut Muffin' - xder dalam class, pandai2 sendirik..
Testimonial - offismate n my dear. of coz yummylicious since free kan? hahaha... frankly the taste is good (saje perasan), but not great lah kot.
Design butter cream tuh pandai2 sendirik. beli mende alah tuh aritu jugak n test2 ikut suke hati. so, design mmg cam budak tadika lah.
next time teringin nk gi kelas deco cupcake plak kalo ader.. wink~

The class start 10am to 2pm. But i do come late..(since i just call them at 10am to join)..hahaha.. then missed 2 recipe. uff rugi, but just think positivelah. its a learning process and we can explore the rest. i just wanna know the basic of baking muffin from the master..slalu tgk kat tenet aje.
How much it cost?
Depend on what class are u attending (plus the chef kot.. kalo yg femes, mahal sikit..i guess) . Mine about rm100 (if u are the member, only pay rm90). Cik hubby yg sponsor the fees to show his supports. ;)
There we learn 5 muffin's recipe
-Banana Muffin
-Carrot Muffin
-Coffee Walnut
-Red Velvet
-Corn Muffin
since i come late, i only manage to learn coffee walnut, red velvet and corn muffin jer.. heheh.. but the basic is same..campur sume kasik godek2 sikit then letak dalam piping bag-picit masuk dalam cup.
and here's the result - i bake 'Banana Walnut Muffin' - xder dalam class, pandai2 sendirik..
Testimonial - offismate n my dear. of coz yummylicious since free kan? hahaha... frankly the taste is good (saje perasan), but not great lah kot.
Design butter cream tuh pandai2 sendirik. beli mende alah tuh aritu jugak n test2 ikut suke hati. so, design mmg cam budak tadika lah.
next time teringin nk gi kelas deco cupcake plak kalo ader.. wink~
Kek Batik
Rasernyer ramai yang tau nk wat kek ni..senang sangat.. even time sekolah2 dulu, ramai da pandai wat kek batik ni..
Saje cube balik since hubby suke mkn mende2 bercoklat..projek gemukkan cik hazrin. nice~
okes.. resepi cam di bawah:
250g@satu peket biskut merie
200g@satu peket milo
397g @ 1 tin susu pekat - meh letak 3/4 cwn
5 biji telur
1sk esen vanilla
150g butter @ 2/3 cawan
2 sudu besar serbuk koko
1sk nescaffe - optional
2 sudu besar air panas - optional (utk kek yg agak moist)
1. Sediakan loyang 7 inci yang di alas dengan kertas minyak bawah dan juga kelilingnya. Pastikan kertas minyak melebihi paras loyang.
2. Satukan semua bahan kecuali butter dan kacau sebentar. Masukkan ke dalam kuali. Buka api kecil untuk mengelakkan hangit bahagian bawah. Kacau sehingga semua bahan sebati.
3. Kemudian masukkan butter dan kacau lagi sampai pekat dan kasar berbintil-bintil. Matikan api.
4. Cedokkan satu senduk adunan ke dalam loyang dan ratakan. Susun biskut di atasnya. Ulang proses melapis sehingga habis.
5. Lapisan yang terakhir tekan sedikit lebihan kertas minyak tadi supaya permukaan rata dan tutup. Dan biarkan sejuk beberapa jam di dalam peti ais.
6. Keluarkan dan potong. Hidangkan
then jadiklah..senang kan :P~
Saje cube balik since hubby suke mkn mende2 bercoklat..projek gemukkan cik hazrin. nice~
okes.. resepi cam di bawah:
250g@satu peket biskut merie
200g@satu peket milo
397g @ 1 tin susu pekat - meh letak 3/4 cwn
5 biji telur
1sk esen vanilla
150g butter @ 2/3 cawan
2 sudu besar serbuk koko
1sk nescaffe - optional
2 sudu besar air panas - optional (utk kek yg agak moist)
1. Sediakan loyang 7 inci yang di alas dengan kertas minyak bawah dan juga kelilingnya. Pastikan kertas minyak melebihi paras loyang.
2. Satukan semua bahan kecuali butter dan kacau sebentar. Masukkan ke dalam kuali. Buka api kecil untuk mengelakkan hangit bahagian bawah. Kacau sehingga semua bahan sebati.
3. Kemudian masukkan butter dan kacau lagi sampai pekat dan kasar berbintil-bintil. Matikan api.
4. Cedokkan satu senduk adunan ke dalam loyang dan ratakan. Susun biskut di atasnya. Ulang proses melapis sehingga habis.
5. Lapisan yang terakhir tekan sedikit lebihan kertas minyak tadi supaya permukaan rata dan tutup. Dan biarkan sejuk beberapa jam di dalam peti ais.
6. Keluarkan dan potong. Hidangkan
then jadiklah..senang kan :P~
Puding Buih Pelangi
Hulaa.. da lamer x meng'update blog..cume hangat2 taik ayam jer.
Resepi spt dibawah:
so, HAPPY TRYING yer ..;)
Okie, for those beginner who eager to explore new recipe can try simple pudding below. Credit to hanamemories for the idea. ;)
Panjang giller step, i just paste kat bawah laa.. and resultnye seperti dibawah.

1 paket agar2 strip (bertali ~ lebih kurang 35gm) ~ rendam dalam 1/2 jam dan toskan
1.8 liter air
9 sudu besar gula
1 helai daun pandan ~ disimpul
6 biji telur gred A ~ simpankan 1 kuning telur utk dimasukkan ke dalam kuah
1 tin fruit cocktail ~ optional
pewarna dan paste ikut citarasa ~ saya gunakan pewarna merah dan paste strawberi, tak nak letak paste pun tak mengapa tp letaklah esen vanila utk tak nak bg bau hanyir telur
utk kuah:
1 tin susu cair
2 tin air (guna tin susu cair)
7 sudu besar gula ~ ikut citarasa, kalau suka manis tambah sendiri ya..
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
1 biji kuning telur yg diambil dari 6 biji telur td
2 helai daun pandan ~ disimpulkan
1/2 sudu kecil garam
cara membuat puding:
Masak agar2 bersama air, gula dan daun pandan hingga mendidih. Bila dah mendidih masukkan pewarna dan paste mengikut citarasa masing2. Kacau sebati.
Bila agar2 dah suam2 panas, pukul telur hingga betul2 kembang dan gebu. ( 6 putih dan 5 kuning sahaja ya). Bagi yg cuma ada mixer cap ayam mcm saya ni or hand mixer boleh lah asingkan putih dan kuning telur tu. Pukul dulu putih telur hingga menjadi kembang (kalau kita terbalikkan mangkuk tu dia tak tumpah) baru dimasukkan kuning telur satu persatu sambil dipukul lg hingga betul2 kembang dan gebu.
Tuangkan adunan agar2 kedalam adunan telur dan kacau/pukul dgn mixer hingga sebati. Masukkan kedalam acuan yg telah diletakkan fruit cocktail. Fruit cocktail ini boleh juga diletakkan begitu saja dalam mangkuk berisi puding ni ketika nak makan.. Biarkan sejuk barulah dimasukkan kedalam peti ais.
cara membuah kuah:
Masukkan kesemua bahan kedalam periuk dan masaklah hingga mendidih. Kuah ini hendaklah sentiasa dikacau supaya tidak berketul. Bila dah mendidih, tutup api dan biarkan sejuk. Bila dah sejuk masukkan dalam peti ais.
Bila nak menghidang, letakkan puding ke dalam mangkuk dan curahkan kuah. Sedap dimakan masa sejuk.
**Bagi yg mempunyai lebihan telur putih (spt membuat kek lapis yg tidak banyak menggunakan putih telur, boleh aje gunakan 9 putih telur utk satu adunan ni. Resipi asal puding buih tidak menggunakan kuning telur, cuma putih telur. Bg saya puding buih lebih sedap kalau kita gunakan putih dan juga kuning telur, lebih lemak2 gitu. Dengan tu tak lah membazir kuning telur tu..
##bg yg nak buat sikit jer boleh guna sukatan ni:
2 paket agar2 serbuk ~ 1pkt 10gm
1.2 liter air
6 sudu besar gula pasir
1 helai daun pandan
4 bj telur A ~ simpan 1 kuning telur utk digunakan dlm kuah
esen vanila
pewarna/emulco yg disukai
1.8 liter air
9 sudu besar gula
1 helai daun pandan ~ disimpul
6 biji telur gred A ~ simpankan 1 kuning telur utk dimasukkan ke dalam kuah
1 tin fruit cocktail ~ optional
pewarna dan paste ikut citarasa ~ saya gunakan pewarna merah dan paste strawberi, tak nak letak paste pun tak mengapa tp letaklah esen vanila utk tak nak bg bau hanyir telur
utk kuah:
1 tin susu cair
2 tin air (guna tin susu cair)
7 sudu besar gula ~ ikut citarasa, kalau suka manis tambah sendiri ya..
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
1 biji kuning telur yg diambil dari 6 biji telur td
2 helai daun pandan ~ disimpulkan
1/2 sudu kecil garam
cara membuat puding:
Masak agar2 bersama air, gula dan daun pandan hingga mendidih. Bila dah mendidih masukkan pewarna dan paste mengikut citarasa masing2. Kacau sebati.
Bila agar2 dah suam2 panas, pukul telur hingga betul2 kembang dan gebu. ( 6 putih dan 5 kuning sahaja ya). Bagi yg cuma ada mixer cap ayam mcm saya ni or hand mixer boleh lah asingkan putih dan kuning telur tu. Pukul dulu putih telur hingga menjadi kembang (kalau kita terbalikkan mangkuk tu dia tak tumpah) baru dimasukkan kuning telur satu persatu sambil dipukul lg hingga betul2 kembang dan gebu.
Tuangkan adunan agar2 kedalam adunan telur dan kacau/pukul dgn mixer hingga sebati. Masukkan kedalam acuan yg telah diletakkan fruit cocktail. Fruit cocktail ini boleh juga diletakkan begitu saja dalam mangkuk berisi puding ni ketika nak makan.. Biarkan sejuk barulah dimasukkan kedalam peti ais.
cara membuah kuah:
Masukkan kesemua bahan kedalam periuk dan masaklah hingga mendidih. Kuah ini hendaklah sentiasa dikacau supaya tidak berketul. Bila dah mendidih, tutup api dan biarkan sejuk. Bila dah sejuk masukkan dalam peti ais.
Bila nak menghidang, letakkan puding ke dalam mangkuk dan curahkan kuah. Sedap dimakan masa sejuk.
**Bagi yg mempunyai lebihan telur putih (spt membuat kek lapis yg tidak banyak menggunakan putih telur, boleh aje gunakan 9 putih telur utk satu adunan ni. Resipi asal puding buih tidak menggunakan kuning telur, cuma putih telur. Bg saya puding buih lebih sedap kalau kita gunakan putih dan juga kuning telur, lebih lemak2 gitu. Dengan tu tak lah membazir kuning telur tu..
##bg yg nak buat sikit jer boleh guna sukatan ni:
2 paket agar2 serbuk ~ 1pkt 10gm
1.2 liter air
6 sudu besar gula pasir
1 helai daun pandan
4 bj telur A ~ simpan 1 kuning telur utk digunakan dlm kuah
esen vanila
pewarna/emulco yg disukai
so, HAPPY TRYING yer ..;)
Monday, 13 February 2012
My blog name change~
previous blog:
actually this is new created blog. but i had own blog since 2008 (surprised only 1 entry. hahahaha).. so me decide to use yg bawah ni laa.. senang, identical name with fb, frienster, twiter, etc :)
currect used blog:
actually this is new created blog. but i had own blog since 2008 (surprised only 1 entry. hahahaha).. so me decide to use yg bawah ni laa.. senang, identical name with fb, frienster, twiter, etc :)
currect used blog:
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Puding Caramel Bercoklat
Da lamer rasernye x update blog ni. hangat2 taik ayam jer.. xper, 2012 slowly move on...
kali ni kte wat puding caramel plak. biasa wat yg plian ajer. skali terjumpe kat blog hanamemories pasal resepi ni.
ni yg diceduk disane dan dimodify sikit ikut citarasa sendiri.
4 biji telur
1 tin susu cair
5-6 sudu besar gula *sy guna gula icing sbb senang larut ;)
1/2 sk esen vanila
2 sudu besar serbuk koko (tmbah 2 sudu gula) dicampurkan dengan sesudu air panas supaya serbuk koko tidak berketul2
5 sudu besar gula
Cara-cara- karamel
1. Gula (5 sudu) letak dalam loyang dan dipanaskan. da agak keperangan, tutup api dan godek2 gula perang supaya rata atas loyang tadi.
2.Mangkuk lain, satukan telur dan juga gula. Kacau hingga gula larut. Jangan sampai berbuih.Masukkan susu cair. Kacau kemudian tapis. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua bahagian. Satu bahagian masukkan pes koko tadi.
4. Panaskan periuk kukusan. Tuang secawan ke dalam loyang karamel tadi dan kukus hingga masak lebih kurang 5-7min. (bergantung ketebalan lapisan). Buat sehingga habis secara berselang seli. Pastikan penutup pengukus diikat dengan kain supaya air tidak menitik ke atas puding.
5. Angkat dan sejukkan terlebih dahulu. Sisipkan tepi loyang dan telangkupkan. Potong dan hidangkan.
senang kan??
dah jadik..
kali ni kte wat puding caramel plak. biasa wat yg plian ajer. skali terjumpe kat blog hanamemories pasal resepi ni.
ni yg diceduk disane dan dimodify sikit ikut citarasa sendiri.
4 biji telur
1 tin susu cair
5-6 sudu besar gula *sy guna gula icing sbb senang larut ;)
1/2 sk esen vanila
2 sudu besar serbuk koko (tmbah 2 sudu gula) dicampurkan dengan sesudu air panas supaya serbuk koko tidak berketul2
5 sudu besar gula
Cara-cara- karamel
1. Gula (5 sudu) letak dalam loyang dan dipanaskan. da agak keperangan, tutup api dan godek2 gula perang supaya rata atas loyang tadi.
2.Mangkuk lain, satukan telur dan juga gula. Kacau hingga gula larut. Jangan sampai berbuih.Masukkan susu cair. Kacau kemudian tapis. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua bahagian. Satu bahagian masukkan pes koko tadi.
4. Panaskan periuk kukusan. Tuang secawan ke dalam loyang karamel tadi dan kukus hingga masak lebih kurang 5-7min. (bergantung ketebalan lapisan). Buat sehingga habis secara berselang seli. Pastikan penutup pengukus diikat dengan kain supaya air tidak menitik ke atas puding.
5. Angkat dan sejukkan terlebih dahulu. Sisipkan tepi loyang dan telangkupkan. Potong dan hidangkan.
senang kan??
dah jadik..
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